America Recycles Day will be celebrated very soon on November 15th. It’s a day to think about your trash:  how much you produce, where it goes, the environmental impact of products you buy, reusing what you can, recycling and safe disposal of hazardous materials. This is the part where your eyes glaze over and you stop reading, right?ARD2015

But, what if we said that this America Recycles Day we want you to do “just one thing”? Each one of our steps toward sustainability matter, you just need to take the first step. Here are some easy ideas for your “just one thing”.

  1. Switch to reusable bags at the grocery. We know you have them. We all have them. The trick is remembering to bring them to the store. Try storing them in the glove box or putting them back in the trunk after you un-load the groceries at home. You can even buy reusable mesh bags for produce.
  2. Take your own mug to your favorite coffee shop to be refilled and wash it at the end of the day.
  3. Stop buying bottled water. The water coming from your tap is more closely monitored for contaminants than the bottled water you buy at the store.  Bonus: It’s (nearly) free!
  4. Look at repair options when something stops working rather than trashing it.
  5. Donate, donate, donate! Your trash is someone else’s treasure.  Social media is a great way to find people who might have a need for your unwanted items.
  6. Compost your food scraps and yard waste. (Okay that might be two things)
  7. Pack no waste lunches for work or school.
  8. Look up what can be recycled in your area and pick one item to start with or expand your existing recycling efforts to include something new. Go to our online Recycling Directory for more information.
  9. Use your local library.
  10. Mark your calendar for next year’s Tox-Away Days for your Household Hazardous Materials.
    • April 9 -Brownsburg High School, 1000 South Odell Street, Brownsburg
    • May 21 – Hendricks County Fairgrounds, 1900 E. Main Street, Danville
    • Jul 16 – Hickory Elementary, 907 S. State Road 267, Avon
    • Sept 17 – Hendricks County Fairgrounds, 1900 E. Main Street, Danville
    • Oct 22 – Plainfield Middle School, 985 South Longfellow Drive, Plainfield
      • All Tox-Away Day events are open from 8am-1pm.

We can’t all do everything, but we can all do something.  Thank you for doing your “just one thing” Happy America Recycles Day!

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